Singing Guide: Reel to Real

Singing Guide: Reel to Real

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Reel to Real was a funk and soul band led by the legendary Eddie Kendricks, former member of The Temptations. Kendricks was famous for his falsetto singing and unique style, which served as a blueprint for many other artists. To learn singing like Eddie Kendricks, one must follow some basic steps to understand and imitate his vocal technique. In this article, we will discuss the necessary steps with practical advice and applicable Singing Carrots resources.

Step 1: Identify your voice type and range

To sing like Eddie Kendricks, it is essential to know your vocal range, voice type, and comfortable tessitura. Our vocal range test and voice type article will help you with this. Kendricks' voice type was a high tenor, with impressive agility and a wide vocal range, spanning from falsetto to his chest voice.

Step 2: Analyze Eddie Kendricks' vocal technique

Eddie Kendricks' voice is unique and recognizable. He mastered the use of his falsetto, head voice, and chest voice. To learn more about different voice registers and how to control them, read our article.

Step 3: Warm-up exercises

Warming up is essential before starting any singing practice. To imitate Eddie Kendricks' singing style, start by practicing his signature falsetto sound. This skill can be improved through pitch training and vocal warm-ups. Additionally, you can do the Farinelli breathing exercise and simple warm-ups to enhance your voice control.

Step 4: Practice Singing Specific Techniques

Eddie Kendricks was a master of using different techniques to create his unique sound. These techniques include the use of falsetto, vibrato, and growling.

To learn more about these techniques, check out our articles on contemporary vocal techniques. We also provide tutorials for vibrato training, growling exercises, and twang technique.

Step 5: Learn Eddie Kendricks' songs

Finally, to put everything you have learned into practice, you can start learning Eddie Kendricks' famous songs and imitating his singing style. Singing along to his songs will help you identify his vocal techniques and provide practice to refine your own skills.

To start, explore our song search tool to find songs within your vocal range.

In conclusion, imitating Eddie Kendricks' singing style is not a matter of mimicry, but rather, it requires studying his vocal technique and practicing specific exercises and songs. Singing Carrots provides all the necessary resources to achieve a high level of mastery in singing like him. Remember to warm up your voice, identify your vocal range, use proper singing techniques, and practice frequently with dedication.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.